- Offer TASK™ as an entry- and exit-assessment. Besides allowing you to measure the evolution of students' sustainability knowledge, it also allows the student to get familiar with the platform and the assessment (rather than only assessing them once). The entry assessment may happen at the entry of the student in the program, or before the student is to learn about sustainability.
- When TASK™ is offered within a class, or within the courses plan, the completion rate is higher. Work with program directors to find which spaces could be used to roll out TASK™ most effectively.
- Make sure to map everything that is brought to your students related to sustainability (workshops, courses, MOOCs...). This will help identify when to offer TASK to your students in their study experience.
- Get faculty onboard - engage professors already working with sustainability education and innovative pedagogies to be ambassadors, while promoting the tool across the board and holding space for discussions. The Sulitest team is also happy to organise a Q&A session if needed or helpful.
- Get the sustainability student associations or clubs onboard, as they can help motivate the student community to engage with sustainability education.